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Infant feeding support

"A newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three." — Grantly Dick-Read


Eight out of ten mothers will stop breastfeeding before they want to and lack of support is one of the main reasons, along with cultural barriers and misinformation. 

I was lucky enough to receive the support I needed and experience a special relationship with my children by mothering them through breastfeeding. I wish to share my knowledge and experience and to provide support and reassurance to all mothers and parents who want to breastfeed their children, however that might look like. If you're interested in more support, my services are available to families throughout Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife, Glasgow, South Lanarkshire, and the Scottish Borders.

Connections through human milk painting by Kate Pults representing breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combi - feeding, toddlers breastfeeding, twins breastfeeding and more

"Connection through human milk" by Kate Pults (KPultsArt)


Antenatal session - Preparing for breastfeeding

I offer a 2 hours antenatal session to discuss your plans on how to feed your baby. We will cover any questions and concerns you might have around how breastfeeding works and looks like in the early days and weeks, biologically normal newborn behaviour, basics of comfortable breastfeeding, positioning and attachment, how to avoid and overcome challenges and where to find further support.


Click here to arrange an informal chat with me

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Infant feeding support

As a breastfeeding counsellor, I can support you right from your baby's birth at home or in the hospital, and in the early days and weeks of establishing breastfeeding in the comfort of your home.

For some, breastfeeding starts smoothly and with no challenges, but in many cases, the art of breastfeeding is learned by mother and baby with practice, reassurance and support over a period of time. Some dyads experience bigger challenges, but the good news is that breastfeeding problems have breastfeeding solutions and, as most challenges can be overcome with skilled support, seeking help as early as possible is very important. 


Click here to arrange an informal chat with me

Click here for pricing information




Nursing beyond babyhood

I provide information, resources, support and reassurance with the introduction of  family foods into your baby's diet, breastfeeding into toddlerhood and weaning as well as breastfeeding and returning to work or breastfeeding in pregnancy and tandem feeding.


Click here to arrange an informal chat with me

Click here for pricing information


"A baby nursing at a mother's breast is an undeniable affirmation of our rootedness in nature."


— David Suzuki

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